Privacy Policy

Last Updated: April 11, 2023

Privacy & Security

TRUESIGHT’s privacy policy covers the collection and use of personal information that may be obtained by TRUESIGHT when you interact with TRUESIGHT such as when you purchase a license for the use of the Software and Service (hereinafter collective referred to as “Product”) on the Site, receive support from TRUESIGHT, sign up for TRUESIGHT email communications, or request a free download on the Site.

Website Purchases

When you use our Product on the Site, we may collect and store the following personal information:

Your email address or the third-party account is collected to identify you as a Product user. This is required for you to activate the Product, receive proper support if you have any issues with the Product, receive a refund in accordance with our refund policy, qualify for special upgrade pricing on future Products, and receive pertinent information made available to Product users only (See Email Address below for more details). Because email addresses tend to change over time, having more than one piece of identifying information (First and Last Name) helps ensure we can properly identify you to receive all of the above listed benefits of being a Product user.

Your country of residence is used at the point of purchase to calculate and collect Value Added Tax (VAT) which is a legal requirement for merchants who sell Products to customers residing in certain countries.

Website Purchase – Data Security & Storage

When completing a purchase on the Site, the above data is transmitted from your web browser to our web server using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption (https) and stored in our secure database protected by a firewall and accessible to authorized TRUESIGHT personnel and technical consultants contracted to maintain TRUESIGHT systems. SSL is used to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of the information you have submitted.

While TRUESIGHT strives to protect the personal information you submit to us, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As such, TRUESIGHT cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us on our website or from within our Products, and you do so at your own risk. Once your information has been received by TRUESIGHT, all of the security standards put in place by TRUESIGHT including SSL Certification, mean that your data is protected and secured at a very high level.

In addition to the data listed above which is stored in a database owned and operated by TRUESIGHT and only accessible to TRUESIGHT authorized employees and technical contractors who maintain TRUESIGHT systems, your email address is stored in an additional database that is secured, protected, and maintained by an industry-leading email service provider, for the purpose of delivering relevant email communications sent from TRUESIGHT to TRUESIGHT customers such as software updates, and specials for Product users. Customers are provided with ability to subscribe or unsubscribe from any of these types of email communications (see section Your Email Address below). Customers also have the ability to completely remove their email address and other personal information from all databases used by TRUESIGHT. To request removal from TRUESIGHT databases, customers can send an email message to from the email address in question, and removal will occur within 72 hours. Please note, since email addresses are used to activate and license most TRUESIGHT Products, ongoing usage of a Product may require an offline activation code issued by TRUESIGHT support, and your ability to re-install and activate the software in the future may be affected.

TRUESIGHT does not offer, sell, or otherwise make available any of your data to third parties who are not contracted with TRUESIGHT to maintain TRUESIGHT systems.

Website Purchase – Payment Information

When purchasing the use of the Product on our website, the following additional information is transmitted via SSL technology to a major credit card processor for validation of your identity and availability of funds to cover the purchase.

For software license purchases, the above data is NOT processed by or stored in any TRUESIGHT database. However, in order to let you know your payment details, we may collect certain information, including country, payment currency, payment amount, payment time, expiration date of the credit card, the last 4 number of the credit card and taxes you paid, which will be also stored in an TRUESIGHT database. When submitting payment information, which is encrypted and transmitted directly to the credit card processor, the card number is used to authorize and complete the transaction, and the zip/postal code and card security code are used to protect you against unauthorized usage of your credit card.

Your Account

Collection & Storage

TRUESIGHT may ask for your email address when interacting with us or using our Products. When submitting an email address on our website, it is transmitted using SSL (https) and stored in a TRUESIGHT database only accessible to authorized TRUESIGHT employees and licensed technical contractors.

A request for your email address can occur in each of the following cases on the Site:

Only authorized TRUESIGHT personnel and technical contractors licensed to maintain TRUESIGHT systems can view your email address stored in TRUESIGHT databases or modify usage permissions you grant or revoke. Automated processes are also available for you to quickly and easily remove consent or unsubscribe your email. Customers also have the ability to completely remove their email address and other personal information from all databases used by TRUESIGHT. To request removal from TRUESIGHT databases, customers can send an email message to from the email address in question, and removal will occur within 72 hours. Please note, since email addresses are used to activate and license most TRUESIGHT Products, ongoing usage of a Product may require an offline activation code issued by TRUESIGHT support, and your ability to re-install and activate the software in the future may be affected.

TRUESIGHT does not offer, sell, or otherwise make available any user-provided information to third parties other than those mentioned above. In the event TRUESIGHT is ever acquired by third party ownership, your permission for said company to use any personal information of yours would be required prior to any such usage.

User Account and Product Activation

Most current TRUESIGHT Products require the creation of a user account, using an email address or phone number provided by you and a secure password defined by you that meets minimum requirements for security outlined during the account creation process. Your password is encrypted on our web server and is not viewable by TRUESIGHT personnel. You maintain sole ownership of your login and password and can modify it at any time. This account serves as your software license for most Products and is required for Product activation and ongoing usage.

Your Email Address

Email Usage & Consent

We provide customers and all those interested in our Products the ability to change their email preferences, granting or removing email consent. You can opt-in, opt-out, or unsubscribe from receiving the following types of email communications:

You can choose the types of emails you would like to receive in our to you and can opt out by visiting our unsubscribe page or by clicking a link included at the bottom of any email you receive from TRUESIGHT. When you change your email preferences, it may take up to 3 hours for the database process to complete.

In accordance with GDPR, customers residing in EU countries who wish to opt-in to TRUESIGHT emails must complete additional steps in order to start receiving TRUESIGHT emails, including confirming their email address two additional times after submitting the initial request. You maintain exclusive rights to confirm or withdraw consent for TRUESIGHT to use your email address for communications.

Email – Unsubscribing

We provide several methods to easily unsubscribe your email address from TRUESIGHT lists, including:

For customers who no longer wish to receive TRUESIGHT emails, we recommend using the opt-out check boxes associated with TRUESIGHT News and TRUESIGHT Special Offers on our email to you, as opposed to the option to “unsubscribe from all TRUESIGHT communications.” Opting out by list gives you the ability to re-subscribe at a future date if you change your mind and want to receive emails. TRUESIGHT Product users (paid Products only) who are opted out of all lists may occasionally receive emails from Customer Support regarding specific support incidents they reported or critical Product updates that affect the functionality of the Product they purchased.

Technical Emails

TRUESIGHT may use the email address associated with your account to communicate critical technical information such as important software updates deemed essential to the functionality of the Product. TRUESIGHT authorized support representatives may also use this email address to follow up on technical support incidents reported by you. These types of communications do not include an automated “opt-out” process, but you can request removal of your email address from all technical communications by emailing us at

Email – Customer Service & Support

When you submit a customer support request by email, your email address and other data is sent to an industry-leading customer support and ticketing system and stored in a secure database. The information is used by TRUESIGHT support team to provide customer support services, to view a history of previously submitted tickets, and to identify any Products you may have purchased in the past. This data is not used in any way by the third-party service that provides the ticketing system. Submitting your email on this form does not add you to any TRUESIGHT email lists used for any other purpose. You will be contacted by customer support agents with information relevant to the ticket you submitted and may receive related announcements pertaining to your ticket.

Application Usage Analytics

Some of our Products, with your consent, may collect information about the way you use them. This data is anonymized before it is sent to us and cannot be used to personally identify you.

Agreeing to our Privacy Policy shall be deemed to accept to turn on the usage analytics, which may be opted out by selecting Off in the settings of the Product you are using after installing the Product.

We look only for broad patterns in the aggregated usage data, such as whether or not a particular feature is frequently used, or whether users in general prefer one setting over another. This helps us make informed decisions about the future development of our Products.

Log Information

When you use some of the Services, including generating and browsing certain content, we will automatically collect certain relevant log information stored in the Evoto ("Log Information"). Log Information may include (i) details on when and how often you use the Services, (ii) device statistics, including critical operation paths, errors, crashes, language and time zone. This Log Information is used to improve the Services and is NOT USED to identify our users individually.

Application-Specific Content

Some of our Products check to see if you are a member of TRUESIGHT based on the email address you provided to become a member and the email address used to activate the software product. This information is used to provide more specific information inside the Product such as content for members only and the ability to quickly access the membership area of our website.

Software Updates

Some of our Products periodically check to see if a new version of the software is available for download, so that you can be given the choice to download the new update if you wish. These updates provide new features and bug fixes for user-reported issues. You can choose to update at any time or ignore the updates.

Our Web Site and Cookies

TRUESIGHT’s website utilizes visitor log files or cookies as well as hosted tracking with our website. The information collected with visitor cookies and through the hosted tracking is used to gain a better understanding of which sections of our site are most important to our users as well as identify possible navigation issues. This allows us to enhance your user experience in the future. Please refer to our Cookies Policy displayed on the Site.

Permissions We May Ask for iPad

Opt-Out Option

If you do not wish us to track you while across apps and websites, you can opt out through the following path in the application settings: [Settings-Evoto-Allow Tracking off].

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring that your data is used responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us at

Your Content

When the internal functions of the Software are insufficient to provide you services in full, we may upload your content to our web server for further processing. At the same time, for the improvement of user experience, the above-mentioned content will be stored on our web server to make it more convenient for your future editing.Based on the need to improve our products and services, we may collect the content you upload in certain scenarios, and you agree to give us full authorization to engage in this behavior. If you do not agree with us collecting your content, you can turn it off in the software settings, and we will no longer collect the content you upload.

If the provisions of these Terms are contrary to the laws and regulations of the region where you are located, these Terms will automatically not take effect.

Protecting Your Personal Information

At times, TRUESIGHT may hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf. Such limited services include, but are not limited to, technical consultants, order fulfillment, and customer support. These companies will only be provided the information they need to perform the service, and they are strictly prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.

TRUESIGHT may occasionally present a special contest or promotion sponsored by another company. You may be asked to provide personal information in order to qualify for a contest or promotion. You will be presented with the option to share or not share your data with a sponsor prior to your submission of personal information.

Finally, while we will make every effort to preserve the privacy of our users, at times we may be required by law to disclose personal information to authorities.

Sharing Personal Information and Third-Party Services

Unless otherwise provided herein, we will not share your personal information with any entity other than TRUESIGHT or affiliates, partners or solution providers without your consent, and in particular, we will not sell, lease or otherwise distribute your information. In case you find there is steal, sale or unauthorized storage of personal information, please report to us and provide as many clues as possible so that we can investigate and deal with the matter.

As a portion of our services may be provided to you as a result of our cooperation with abovementioned relevant companies, you consent to our provision of your information to the foregoing relevant companies for the purpose of providing you with the corresponding services. Such relevant companies only use your information for the purpose of providing corresponding services. During your use of relevant services, such relevant companies will also undertake the same responsibilities as those we undertake in order to protect the security of your information. If the relevant companies fail to protect your information security, we will pursue their default liability, etc. according to law and contract and we will also probably reach you for negotiation to have your authorization that we can pursue any other party’s legal liability, for and on behalf of you, relating to your right of being protected for the personal information.

You have the option to share information with us about how you use our product. This information is associated with your account and allows us to provide you with a more personalized experience for future editing. Additionally, it helps us improve the quality and features of our product. You can update your sharing preferences here, and rest assured that all data remains anonymous and confidential. The specific information is as the following:

  1. Data Sharing Recipient: Mixpanel and Google for the purpose of: (i) Understanding the entire behavioral path of users on the Evoto’s website and Software; and (ii) Analyzing user activity, churn, as well as the usage and preference of different features among users.

  2. Data Sharing Recipient: Facebook, Tiktok, ShareASale for the purpose of tracking the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, analyzing the impact of ads. By tracking user behavior and engagement, this data can provide insights into which ads are most effective, which platforms are driving the most conversions, and which demographics are most responsive to different types of ads. Ultimately, this information can be used to optimize ad placement and messaging, and to achieve better results with future ad campaigns.

  3. We use third party ID verification service provider, infobip, to ensure your true identities are validated, and we may share your phone number with infobip since it is necessary for the performance of such verification service. We have obtained commitment from infobip that it will strictly abide by our privacy policy. Such shared phone number will be deleted as soon as practical upon completion of the ID verification service, except as required to comply with law.

Your Options

You have options in relation to the personal information that we have about you. To exercise these options, please contact us via the email to

There is no discrimination against you if you choose to exercise your options related to your personal information. If your request is denied, you may have the right to appeal by contacting us. We work to be clear with you about your options and the consequences of exercising certain options.

Juvenile information Protection

We do not knowingly collect any information from any minors under the age of 16 or any age required by the local laws, and we comply with all applicable privacy laws for collecting personal information from minors. If you have concerns about this Site, wish to find out if your child has accessed our services, or want us to remove your child’s personal information from our servers, please write to If we discover that a child under the age of 16 or any age required by the local laws has provided personal information to us, we will make efforts to delete it in accordance with applicable laws.

Change of Privacy Policy

Any changes we make to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this page and when possible, we will also notify you by e-mail. Continued use of the Site will signify that you agree to such changes.


Questions, comments and requests regarding our Privacy Policy are welcome and should be addressed by email to